
A podcast featuring wrestling erotica.

This site is the official website for perhaps the Internet's only Wrestling and Erotica podcast. 

Episode 63

In this week's episode of Wrestlerotica, the podcast that combines fanfiction and erotica, we have two stories to share with you. The first story is entitled "Brie Bella Creampie a la Mode" and was written by WOWEFA user: TommieCB.In this story, a lucky fan is given the opportunity to meet any of the WWE superstars or Divas as a result of winning a FanDuel competition. The fan decides to meet both of the Bellas, however Nikki soon has to excuse herself which allows the fan to get particularly close to Brie Bella.

The second story is entitled "Total Affairs" and was written by Nude WWE Diva community member: Arcanine878. After a long and strenuous filming session of Total Divas, Nikki Bella, Paige, and Natalya head to the nearest private beach to relax and enjoy each other's company.

Intro/outro music for the week is the song "A Satisfactory World For Reasonable People" by the band Pity Sex.